Friday 26 October 2012

Week 2 Reflection

What: This week Room 15 have been making calender art. We had to finish a plan first. We get a piece of paper from Mrs Larsen. We drew our plan on the piece of paper but we made it more detailed and better. We gave the piece of paper to Mrs Larsen if she said it was good we got to use the dark vivid. We went over the pencil with it. After that we got to dye our art work. We put it on the drying table then we had finished! On Wednesday we went to badminton with Mr Feist. He taugth us lots of things. Me and Keylen were buddis we were facing Harry and Anaru. Me and Keylen won. I was not that good at badminton. Keylen was!! Our habit of mind is taking responsible risks.

So What I learnt lots about badminton. I learnt how to make calender art.

Now What: I need to learn more about badminton and I need to dye more. I need to do these by trying way harder.

Thursday 25 October 2012

A To Z About Co2 Cars

For my contract I created an A-Z about Co2 Cars

A. A winner 
B. Braking cars
C. Cars
D. Different colours
E. Editing the designs
F. Fast cars

G. Good for racing
H. Heavy sometimes
I. Interesting speeds
J. Judged
K. Kilometres per hour
L. Light weight
M. Made out of wood
N. No motors

O. On ground
P. Parts of different types of wood
Q. Quiet  
R. Racing
X. Extreme racing
T. Tiny
U. Used for good ground
V. Voting for the best cars
W. Wining
Y. Yelling to win
Z. Zooming really fast                                            

Goal Setting

At school Room 15 has chosen two goals, one for behaviour and one for learning, what we need to be working on. We had to get our mighty pad to write our goals, then we got a paper leaf once the teachers checked our goals. We wrote our goals on the leaf then the teacher put it on the success-o-meter.    

Friday 19 October 2012

Week 1 Reflection

What: This week Room 15 played Rippa rugby with 2 experts. We played 2 or 3 games. There was a game when you had to find space, who ever had that most space got to build what ever they want like a candy land. We played a game where you pass the rugby ball to each other. We had 2 teams. I was in team 2. We won once but the other team won 5 times. We played a game about defending and attacking. The attackers had to run and try and get a goal. The defenders were trying to not let them get a goal. Maybe Room 5 and 6 are going to face us in a CO2 car race. We have not started to build them yet. I think we are next week. Our class knows more about CO2 cars I think. Our habit of mind is taking responsible risks.

So What: I learnt how CO2 cars work. I learnt some Rippa rugby skills.

Now What: My goal is to find out lots more about CO2 cars. I need to learn how to play Rippa rugby because I have never played Rippa rugby.  

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Shape Man

We have been learning to use 2D shapes to make a picture. Here is the picture that I made out of shapes.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Chinese Movie

We have been making a Story about our visitors from China. We used Movie Maker then we got pictures from our file. I also wrote 1 or 2 sentences about what happened with our buddy's. Here's my movie. 


Finally it was the holidays. After a week it was my birthday. I got more than $280. I went to the shop and I got a $139 touch screen phone. It could connect to the internet at home. I was really happy. I spent some of my other money that I had left on clothes and an electric lamp. I was playing with my lamp at night. It was cool that was the most money I have ever had in my life. Johny, Jayne and I went to the dairy I spent $3 on lollies.  
By Cole