Monday 21 May 2012

Week 4 Reflection

What This week Room 15 and Room 5 had some awesome vistors come to our school. They were cup stackers. They showed us how to stack cups. They did it so fast it was cool they were really good. They gave us some more cups to use to practice. It was fun to stack cups with them. This week Room 15 has been learning about thinking about thinking. Some things I know about thinking about thinking is words go around in your head.

So What: I learnt when you think about thinking you get better at school. I learnt how to stack cups.

Now What: My goal is I need to work harder. I need to pratice more cup stacking.

Friday 18 May 2012


What: i lernt how to play monster ball my goal is to pratics WALT. On monday room15 went to Radaford it was cool we got split in to grops and some of us went to the pe sport room we played 2 games the first. game we played u had to tag the other people that were not in with a ball and there is two people in they can not move if they have the ball and u have to pass it to get them in.the other game was monster ball you get 3 players in your team and you have 2 balls and their is a big ball in the middle of the court and each team has to stand on a line a cuple meaters away form the monster ball. and you have to though the ball that you got at the monster ball and if you get the ball over someones line 10. times you win then we had to swich to muisc we got to play key bord and gutar I liked the key bord you can lisen to songs and play song or make them up I liked gatuar to because you could make up songs as well as key bord.

Thursday 3 May 2012

My Easter Holiday

Easter Holiday
Plus: On Friday my uncle gave me and my brother a game called Sky Rim. It’s cool you can choose and man or a girl and you can kill wolves and other things. It’s on xbox360 and its rated 13 or 15. Jonathan and I went to the beach. I went out deep and swam back, it was scary, my mum did not want me to swim out so deep.  I think I went 8 meters out in the water. It was cold. We got wood for the fire.  We went to my Auntie’s house it was her birthday. 
Minus:  I got grounded for 1 week because I was not paying attention to mum I did not like getting grounded for a week it was very boring. I had to do the dishes on my own. Then I just wanted to watch TV. At times the holidays were boring. I tripped over and skinned my knee, it bled heaps.

Interesting: The thing that I found interesting was that I got a big chocolate Easter egg for Easter and I still haven’t eaten it. I went to the park and it was amazing that there were not many people there since it was the holidays.  We fed the ducks and got so close we could pat them.
By Cole